{John Lynch CS382-60 12/18/00 project1 Language: Pascal Purpose: vector arithmetic This program takes two vectors prints out their coordinates and calculates the norm of each vector and then adds them} program vectors (input, output); type vector = array [1..3] of integer; {global variables to hold values of the vectors and thier norms} var t, u, v : vector; unorm : real; vnorm : real; {write out the coordinates of the vector} procedure writevector(var w : vector); {the variable f is used by a for loop to print out each value in an array(vector)} var f : integer; begin for f := 1 to 3 do begin write(w[f]:3); write(','); end; end; {writevector} {calculate the norm of the vector} procedure calcnorm (var w : vector; var normvalue : real); {the variable d is used by a for loop that adds the squares of each array value} var d : integer; begin for d := 1 to 3 do begin normvalue := normvalue + sqr (w[d]); end; normvalue := sqrt(normvalue); end; {calcnorm} {calculate the addvectors} procedure addvectors (var w, z : vector); {the variable d is used by a for loop that adds two arrays} var d : integer; begin for d := 1 to 3 do begin t[d] := z[d]+w[d]; end; end; {addvectors} begin {assign values to the first array,v and second array u} v[1] := 1; v[2] := 5; v[3] := 15; u[1] := 4; u[2] := 3; u[3] := 5; {the folling statments call the above procedures and print out results} write('The coordinates of vector v are '); writevector (v); writeln; writeln; write('The norm of vector v is '); calcnorm (v, vnorm); write(vnorm:5:2); writeln; writeln; write('The coordinates of vector u are '); writevector (u); writeln; writeln; write('The norm of vector u is '); calcnorm (u, unorm); write(unorm:5:2); writeln; writeln; addvectors (u, v); write('The vector that results from adding u and v is: '); writevector (t); end. {vectors}