Project: Final CS-260-60

User Documentation | C code

This program will accept input for two sets of integers, print these sets, find the intersection, union, set difference, and symmetric difference.

This program constists of 3 modules:

PROJ1 Contains function calls to:
void read_set(int[],int)
void get_intersect(int[],int[],int,int)

PROJ2 contains function definitions for functions:
void read_set(int[],int) Receives a array, and reads values into it

PROJ3 contains function definitions for functions:
void print_elements(int[],int))
Receives an array, and last index . Prints all elements of array.

INTER contains function definitions for functions:
void get_intersect(int[],int[],int,int) Receives two arrays, and last indexes .
Finds intersection of arrays.

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C Code

/*                        module PROJ1                                            */


#include <stdio.h>



extern void read_set(int[],int);  /*reads in elements of an array*/

extern void get_intersect(int[],int[],int,int); /*finds intersection oftwo arrays*/

   int size_a,  /*size 1st of array*/

       set_a[99], /*1st array*/

       set_b[99], /*second array*/

       size_b; /*size of second array*/

   printf("\nEnter number of elements (less than 100) for set A\n");

	     /*prompt for input*/

      scanf("\n%d",&size_a); /*gets size of 1st array*/

   while(size_a<=0) /*checks for valid input*/



	printf("\nInput must be a positive integer\n");



   read_set(set_a,size_a);/*reads elements a of first set*/

   printf("\nEnter number of elements (less than 100) for set B\n");

	  /*prompt for input*/

      scanf("\n%d",&size_b);  /*gets size of second array*/

   while(size_b<=0) /*checks for valid input*/



	printf("\nInput must be a positive integer\n");



   read_set(set_b,size_b); /*reads elements of second array*/

   get_intersect(set_a,set_b,size_a,size_b);/*gets intersection of both arrays*/


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/*                      MODULE: PROJ2                                             */

/*        this module contains a function to read numbers entered into an array   */


void print_elements(int [],int); /*function to print elements of an array*/

/*-------------------function void read_set()-------------------------------------*/

/*function to read numbers entered into an array*/

void read_set(int array[], int size)


   int n;/*increment counter*/

   printf("\nEnter elements in a set, each element must be 0 or greater");


   for(n=0;n<size;++n) /*numbers will be accepted until the end of array is reached*/


      scanf("%d",&array[n]);/*gets an array element*/


   print_elements(array,size);/*prints elements entered*/


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/*                      MODULE PROJ3                                              */

/* contains a function to print array of elements                                 */


/*----------------------function void print_elements------------------------------*/

void print_elements(int array[100], int size) /*receives an array, and it's size*/


   int n;/*increment counter*/




      printf(" %d",array[n]);/*prints an element[n] until last index is reached*/




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/*                        module: INTER                                           */

/* finds the intersection of two sets(arrays)                                     */


extern void print_elements(int[],int);

void get_intersect(int array1[], int array2[], int size1, int size2)


   int intersect[100], /*array to receive intersected elements*/

       n=0, /*increment counter*/

       size=0, /*size of array to hold intersections*/

       flag=1, /*flag value to be changed to exit loop*/

       m; /*another increment counter*/

   for(m=0;m<size2;++m) /*this will increment value of element in array2*/


      flag=1;/*sets flag back to one*/

      for(;(n>size1)&&flag;++n) /*compares one element of first to all of second*/


	 if (array1[n]==array2[m])  /*if matching values are found*/


	    intersect[size]=array1[n]; /*the value is put into the intersectn array*/

	    ++size; /*value is increased so next value found will go into next elm */

	    flag=0; /*flag is set to 0, so loop will stop*/



n=size-n; /*this will keep elements that have been searched from being compared*/

	  /*over again*/



printf("\nIntersection of set A and B =");



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