Project: Final CS-410-60

User Documentation | LISP code

A LISP program using the A* search algorithm to solve and 8 square puzzle. Uses a one dimensional array to represent the grid.

Test case:

Initial Position

2 8 3
1 6 4
7   5

Final Position

1 2 3
8   4
7 6 5

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;this program is based on the  A* algorithm
;there are some  differences
; 1 rather than sort the queue
; this program finds the node with the lowest f(n) value
; and evaluates the value

;set values to send to recursive function
; goal to be reached
(setf goal '(1 2 3 8 0 4 7 6 5))

;initial positions
(setf ip '( (5 5 0 (2 8 3 1 6 4 7 0 5) ))   )

;the  variable ip  is in the form that all nodes
; are handled and evaluated
; the 5 5 0 are given hueristic values to start
; the stand for f(n) h(n) g(n) respectively
; the rest of the list contains the actual 
; state

;the list of closed values -empty to start
(setf closed (list))

;initial level in search tree
(setf level '0)

;call to recursive function "build_tree
(print (build_tree ip closed level goal))

;----------functions start here----------

; function build_tree
; receives a queue of nodes, closed list of nodes,
; level, goal node,

(defun build_tree (queue closed_list level goal)
   ;since we are only interested in the node
   ;with the lowest f(n) value
   ;sorting the entire queue is more
   ;complicated than finding the node
   ;with the lowest f(n) value

   (setf lowest (car queue)) ;put in a temp value to compare to
   (dolist (w queue); goes through queue
      ;put node with lowest f value in lowest
      (if (< (car w) (car lowest) ) (setf lowest w)  )
   ; lisp seems to  have problems with if statement with 
   ; multiple lines of code, so each line needs its own if-statement
   ; if current node is not the goal, remove from queue
   ;if current node is not the goal, remove from queue
   (if (not (equal (nth 3 lowest) goal)) (setf queue (remove lowest queue)) )
   ;set the value of the node's positions to parent
   ;the positions are used to generate child states
   (if (not (equal (nth 3 lowest) goal)) (setf parent (nth 3 lowest)) )
   ;add the node to the closed list 
   (if (not (equal (nth 3 lowest) goal)) (setf closed_list (cons lowest closed_list)))
   ; send the parent to function gen_descendants
   ; this function returns child states
   ; child states that may go backwards are eliminated from this list
   (if (not (equal (nth 3 lowest) goal)) (setf children
    (gen_descendants parent queue closed_list)))

    ;children are sent to function add_to_q to have f h g values added
    ;the list of children
   (if (not (equal (nth 3 lowest) goal)) (setf queue (append(add_to_q children level goal) queue)) )
   (setf level (+ level 1))
   (if (not (equal (nth 3 lowest) goal)) (print parent) )

   ;recursive call to build tree
   ;this builds the search space
   (if (not (equal (nth 3 lowest) goal))
       (setf goal_path (append goal_path (build_tree queue closed_list level goal))) )
   ;if the current node is the goal
   ;return to caller
   (if (equal (nth 3 lowest) goal) (setf goal_path (nth 3 lowest)) )

;function gen_descendants
;this function receives a parent node, the current queue
;and the closed list (nodes removed from queue)
;it generates the children of the parent

(defun gen_descendants (parent queue closed)

   ;finds the location of '0' -the space
   (setf l (length parent))
   (dotimes (a l)
     (setf temp (nth a parent))
     (if (equal temp 0)
         (setf loc a)
         (setf a (- l 1))

   ;with the position of the space known
   ; when generate a list of possible moves
   (cond ( (equal loc 0) (setf moves '(r d)) )
         ( (equal loc 1) (setf moves '(l r d)) )
         ( (equal loc 2) (setf moves '(l d)) )
         ( (equal loc 3) (setf moves '(u d r)) )
         ( (equal loc 4) (setf moves '(l u d r)) )
         ( (equal loc 5) (setf moves '(l u d)) )
         ( (equal loc 6) (setf moves '(u r)) )
         ( (equal loc 7) (setf moves '(l r u)) )
         ( (equal loc 8) (setf moves '(l u)) )
         (T 'move unknown)
   ;using  moves found above, generate descendants
   ;create an empty list to hold descendants
   (setf childlist (list))

   ;walk through list of moves, generating a child for each
   ;the actual moving is done by the function "swapper"
   (dolist (x moves)
     (cond ( (equal x 'u) (setf childlist (append childlist
                            (list (swapper loc parent -3))))  )
            ( (equal x 'd) (setf childlist (append childlist
                            (list (swapper loc parent  3))))  )
            ( (equal x 'l) (setf childlist (append childlist
                            (list (swapper loc parent -1))))  )
            ( (equal x 'r) (setf childlist (append childlist
                            (list (swapper loc parent  1))))  )
            (T 'move_unknown)

    ;the function loop_check eliminates child nodes that
    ;go backwards
   (setf childlist (loop_check childlist queue closed))
   ;return list of descendants to caller

;function h_hueristic
; receives a child node, the goal
; adds the h value to the node
(defun h_hueristic (qlist goal)
  (setf h 0) ;initialize h 
  (setf l (length qlist))

  (dotimes (a l h) ;walks through list if
                   ; values don't match, it adds 1 to h
                   ;returns h when done
    (if (not (equal  (nth a qlist) (nth a goal)))  (setf h (+ h 1))  )
  ) ;dotimes
) ;h_hueristic

;function swapper
;takes a location, alist and number of moves
;swaps the element at the location with
; the element a certain number of moves away

(defun swapper (loc alist move)

   ; since using setf would create identical list
   ; -(another lisp problem)-
   ; change to one list would change the other
   ; elements of the list have to be copied
   ; individually to an empty list

   (setf blist (list)) ;create empty list
   (dolist (x alist)   ;loop through received list
      (setf blist (cons x blist)) ;copy each element to empty list

   (setf blist (reverse blist)) ;list is backwards reverse to
   (setf loc2 (+ loc move)) ;find out where to move to

   (setf temp (nth loc alist)) ;put element in temp holder
   (setf (nth loc blist) (nth loc2 blist)) ;put elemnent into
                                           ; 1st position
   (setf (nth loc2 blist) temp) ;put temp into 2nd position
   ;return swapped list

;function add_to_q
;recieves a list of children
; adds hueristic values
; returns a list of state nodes

(defun add_to_q (children level goal)
  ;add h hueristic value to each child node
  (setf tempchildren (list))  ;temp holder for list of children
                              ; with h values added
  (dolist (w children) ;walk through list
      (setf temp_el (list w))   ;put child into list
      (setf temp_el (cons level temp_el)) ;add g(n) value to
                                          ; child listnode
      ;put list with g value on a temp list
      (setf tempchildren (cons temp_el tempchildren))

  ;this dolist adds the h value onto each node
  ;by calling the function h_hueristic
  (setf tempchildren2 (list))
  (dolist (z tempchildren)   ;walk through new list
	(setf d (h_hueristic (cadr z) goal))
	(setf hz z)
	(setf hz (cons d hz) )
	(setf hz (cons (+ (cadr hz)  d) hz))
	(setf tempchildren2 (cons hz tempchildren2))


;function loop_check
;receives a list of children
;compares with nodes on the closed list
;removes duplicates from childist

(defun loop_check (childlist queue closedlist)

   (dolist (j childlist)
     (dolist (k closedlist)
         (if (equal  j (nth 3 k)) (setf childlist (remove j childlist)))
;return a clean list to caller
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