Perspective study 1987. This is done in one-point perspective. We would go on to do two and three-point as well.
Years later when I was taking linear algebra for my computer science degree, a student in the class asked the teacher the classic question: “When would anyone actually use any of this?”, the teacher replied with all the uses of the subject. The one that I remembered most of all was 3D computer graphics. At that moment it all came together. You see, linear algebra is the study of simultaneous linear equations. For example, if you had three lines in three-dimensional space, at what point would they all cross (if at all)? I had been solving linear equations in graphic delineation class and never knew it!
Throw in Art History and you can see how this all ties back to Filippo Brunelleschi, an Italian artist/architect born over 600 years ago!
All things are connected.